Photogrammetric Reconstruction of a Stolen Statue

to be presented at Eurographics 2023 as a short paper


Zishun Liu, Eugeni L. Doubrovski, Jo M.P. Geraedts, Wenting Wang, Yeung Yam, Charlie C.L. Wang



In this paper, we propose a method to reconstruct a digital 3D model of a stolen/damaged statue using photogrammetric methods. This task is challenging because the number of available photos for a stolen statue is in general very limited -- especially the side/back view photos. Besides using standard structure-from-motion and multi-view stereo methods, we match image pairs with low overlap using sliding windows and maximize the normalized cross-correlation (NCC) based patch-consistency so that the image pairs can be well aligned into a complete model to build the 3D mesh surface. Our method is based on the prior of the planar side on the statue's pedestal, which can cover a large range of statues. We hope this work will motivate more research efforts for the reconstruction of those stolen/damaged statues and heritage preservation.




@inproceedings {Liu2023Prometheus,
    booktitle = {Eurographics 2023 - Short Papers},
    editor    = {Babaei, Vahid and Skouras, Melina},
    title     = {{Photogrammetric Reconstruction of a Stolen Statue}},
    author    = {Liu, Zishun and Doubrovski, Eugeni L. and Geraedts, Jo M. P. and Wang, Wenting and Yam, Yeung and Wang, Charlie C. L.},
    year      = {2023},
    publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
    ISSN      = {1017-4656},
    ISBN      = {978-3-03868-209-7},
    DOI       = {10.2312/egs.20231000}


The authors would like to thank

  • the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments;
  • the Centre for Perceptual and Interactive Intelligence (CPII) Limited in Hong Kong for financial support;
  • René & Peter van der Krogt for their written permission for using their photos;
  • Ad Bercht for his written permission for using his photos.